Prague graphic designer Jakub Kaše likes books and magazines best. In the 1990s he worked on the magazines Vokno and Živel. He and Marek Pistora were responsible for the style of Navigator pocket magazine. Jakub was also behind the visual style of exhibitions at the Rudolfinum Gallery and the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. He worked as a graphic designer and art director for the Boomerang Communication publishing house, designing periodicals including Barlife (a bimonthly for gastronomy professionals), Bizzone (a magazine for partners of the Vodafone company) and the Volkswagen magazine. Most of the books he has worked on are for children. These include Doktor Racek jede na prázdniny [Dr Seagull Goes on His Holidays], Doktor Racek na horách [Dr Seagull in the Mountains], Babočky [Magic Butterflies], Hurá na Kajak! [Let’s Go Kayaking], Doktor Racek – cesta kolem světa za 31 písmen [Dr Seagull: A Trip around the World in 31 Letters], Neboj, neboj! [Don’t Be Scared] and Velký Bobek – epochální jízda trávicí soustavou člověka [Big Bobby: An Epic Journey through the Human Digestive Tract], all with Lukáš Urbánek and Milada Rezková; for some of these books, he also provided illustrations. He has worked with Lukáš Urbánek on the books P jako pivo [B Is for Beer] by Tom Robbins and Postřelená kniha [Shot Book] by the ‘babypunk’ project Kašpárek v rohlíku. He did the graphic design for Komixová etiketa [Comics Etiquette] by Ladislav Špaček. Many books designed by Jakub have won prizes or been highly placed in the Zlatá stuha [Golden Ribbon] and Most Beautiful Czech Books of the Year competitions. The father of three boys, he loves the sea, anchors and boats. He plays in the band The Tchendos.