What Will I Be?


What Will I Be?

Written by Jana Sedláčková
Illustrated by Katarína Gasko
age 3-5

Book parameters:
size 240 × 294 mm | 8 spreads | cover | 9 spacers | boardbook
Sold to:
Bulgarian, Simplified Chinese, Lithuanian

This book for very young readers shows 32 of the most attractive occupations, together with things that people use in their work, for children to point at and learn the names of.

Teacher, athlete, hairdresser, detective, painter, auto mechanic, singer, fire officer, astronaut… What will I be? Choose your occupation and learn about all the things you’ll need in order to do it. While a hairdresser works with scissors, a comb, shampoo and a hairdryer, a sailor needs a map, a compass, binoculars and a ship with a proper anchor and a rope tied around a bollard on the jetty…

Books from the series