Life at…
2 books
3 - 5 Pre-schoolers, SERIES, NEW // Autumn 2022,
Everyone knows that a castle has walls. But what is behind them? And how about the castle’s high tower, beautiful chambers, and the tiny room known as the privy? Did you know that wind and water were used to turn a heavy millstone, saw wood, swing a giant hammer, and dry out a lake? You didn’t? Well, if you’d like to find out how, the ‘Life at…’ series is here to show you past lives as they really were. The first two parts in the series recreate a medieval castle and the first modern water- and windmills. Highly readable and not overburdened with facts, their aim is to preserve historical accuracy despite significant simplification. Not only are the fun, contoured, cut-out illustrations guaranteed to hold the attention of any child, but that child is sure to go back to them again and again.