Daniel Špaček

Hi I’m Daniel Špaček, an illustrator from planet Earth.
When I was young I dreamed of being an astronaut. For one reason or another it didn’t happen. I later discovered drawing and very quickly realized that through this medium I can be whatever I want. All I need is a pencil and paper, open my eyes and flow into the world of imagination.
Imagine something that doesn’t exist. Now imagine it bigger… a bit more to the left, add a little bit of orange, make that line straighter and that one a bit more curvier. With energetic and relaxed brush strokes fill the background with a pattern you remember from tablecloth in kindergarten. In the upper left it would be nicer to have bit more light and on right side, right under the rainbow bubble where the quirky pixie peeps, there is enough space for whole other universe. Welcome back home, all power to the imagination!

Astronauts were and are my heroes, they allow us to see our world from another, wider perspective. Four hundred kilometers above ground is a fair perspective, you must admit. With illustrations I attempt to do the same on a smaller scale and that’s why I have so much fun creating them.

Hi I’m Daniel Špaček, an illustrator from planet Earth.

© Daniel Špaček