Why Crocodiles Make Waves: Love between Animals


Why Crocodiles Make Waves: Love between Animals

Written by Markéta Nováková
Illustrated by Jana Kloučková Kudrnová
age 3-5

Book parameters:
Size 210 x 230 mm | 32 pages | hardbinding
Sold to:
French for Europe, English for Australia, Simplified Chinese, Complex Chinese

A whale suitor has just asked for the hand of his chosen one … Everyone longs for love, and in the animal kingdom, love can take many forms.

The bowerbird, for instance, tries to woo the lady of his heart with a romantic home. The peacock advertises himself, while the hooded seal attracts the girl with a red balloon. Come and look with us at the moments of greatest affection in the lives of animals. You will see amorous pirouettes, a fight between jealous hares and how all ends happily in a wedding.

Books from the series