The Souls of Flowers

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The Souls of Flowers

Book parameters:
Albatros, size 230 x 330 mm, 88 pages, hardcover
Sold to:
Complex Chinese, English, Latvian, Simplified Chinese

The most beautiful flowers of meadows and gardens.

‘The earth laughs in flowers’ wrote poet, essayist and spiritualist Ralph Waldo Emerson. The acclaimed botanical painter Pavlína Kourková very much captures the spirit of this idea in her work. As she rambles through the countryside, she draws inspiration from the most exquisite flowers, which she then transfers to paper with watercolours. Join her in this vibrant colourful world of flowers. You’ll not only be captivated by the stunning drawings, you’ll also learn about the origin and occurrence of plants, their significance in the language of flowers and other interesting details.