Albatros Media on our travels: September 2021

Because of the pandemic, the Albatross spent over a year locked up in his aviary. Not till September was he at last able to spread his wings and set out on a tour of Europe. While Pavla from the Foreign Sales department attended the book fair in Warsaw as part of the official Czech exhibition, her colleagues Tomáš and Jana packed 64 new titles from B4U, Mimoto, Albatros and Fragment into three suitcases and embarked on the Barcelona – Valencia – Madrid – Milan – Paris route, spending two weeks presenting these books to publishers from various countries. Tomáš sums up his impressions of his travels as follows: “What? ¿Como? Qu’est-ce que c’est? Perché?”

Let us wait for Tomáš’s heart rate to go down before we ask him again.?

For a glimpse of our splendid travels and presence in Warsaw, take a look at the photos.